Love Matters & Lifestyle

- Super User
- Category: Love & Lifestyle
- Saturday, 30 July 2016 13:13
Ladies, the kinds of foods to eat to make your buttocks naturally big...
There is no one food that you can eat to make your bu*t bigger.
However, there are ways that foods can be eaten to increase the growth rate of your buttocks from other booty growing methods.
Here at truly b**ty we advocate exercise (among other ways) as the best natural and effective way of truly increasing the size of your b**ty.
Basically through exercise, there are two ways in which the buttocks grow.
The Resistance Phase: (the actual workout you do, and the continual stimulus applied to create more and more growth)The Recovery Phase: (what you do after the workout to ensure proper growth occurs)
For the sake of this article we need to only discuss the recovery phase, as that is where the foods you eat truly matter for getting a bigger bu*t.
So after you’ve done some of our super b**ty blasting exercises, your buttocks is now in a position to grow. At this point there will be tiny microscopic tears in the gluteus and surrounding muscles (aka your butt).
At this point our buttocks is in the repair cycle. It desperately wants the right amount of calories, the right type of healthy foods, and the right healthy mixture of carbs/fat/proteins to ensure the most growth possible.
You really don’t want to work your bu*t off with exercises and then skip out on eating properly. As you will be missing out on growth that you could have easily made by eating more efficiently.
Now if you are already counting calories you’ll probably have a decent deal of know-how in this regard. For the people that are not, the good news is that you can still make great booty building progress without needing to really know much besides some basic information on macro nutrients.
I am assuming most people here are currently eating at a rate where they are not gaining or losing any weight, but simply maintaining their current weight.
If this is true then all you really need to do is swap out some less effective foods that you are currently eating, for some of the better foods I will recommend below. You will actually be able to eat a little more, in the range of 100-500 calories additional, due to the fact that your workouts will be burning calories.
For people that want to gain more weight you can eat even more. For people who want to sculpt up their butt and lose weight at the same time, you will want to eat a little less. Its pretty simple really.
Don’t worry about this too much, at least in the beginning. Your body will let you know when its hungry, just be sure to fuel it with the right type of foods.
Protein is what typically every woman here will need to eat more of to help make your butt bigger. There is a common misconception that eating more protein or drinking protein shakes is only for bodybuilders. This could not be further from the truth. Every person on this planet requires protein rich foods for optimal health. In fact most people who aren’t working out or trying to grow would still benefit from increasing their protein consumption.
If you are exercising and trying to grow your bum, the amount of protein you require will increase, as protein lays down the building blocks for growth.
I recommend you try and get a protein source in every meal you eat. Around 15-30g of protein per meal. I also recommend you get yourself a good protein shake to drink after your workouts and possibly in a meal or two.
So what are some healthy sources of good protein for a bigger buttocks:
#Skinless Chicken Breasts
#Cottage Cheese
#Protein Powder
#Beans & Legumes (kidney, chick peas, etc)
#Extra Extra Lean Ground Beef
#Vegetable Burger
#Soya Nuts
#Virtually Any Fish (not fried)
#Most Lean Cut Meats
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