
- Super User
- Category: Sports
- Tuesday, 16 September 2014 23:00
The shocking side of Mario Balotelli...
Mario Balotelli is known for being generous, but this may be the most generous thing the Italian striker has ever done after appearing to have made a donation to Manchester Dogs' Home.
According to staff at Manchester Dogs Home, Mario Balotelli is thought to have given a five-figure sum to the home after 60 dogs were killed in a fire last week.
An anonymous donation was made via the MEN's JustGiving page and now the charities bosses are investigating whether Balotelli was behind it.
A spokeswoman for the dogs' home told the MEN: "Mario owns a dog but it was in quarantine in Italy so he used to come and walk all the dogs at the dogs' home.
"We can't yet confirm whether he made a donation but he is known as a big dog lover so it would make sense."
Balotelli's love for dogs is well known and the former Manchester City striker used to volunteer to be a dog walker at the shelter.
Huge respect, Mario.