Whaaat! ‘Jesus Soap’ that washes your sins away already sold out on Ebay? | Order yours now!...

[By: George Awiadem Maclean, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For a minute, I thought this was one of the biggest jokes I could ever imagine of until I got swamped by the world of research to find out more on this new ‘Holy Ghost Spirit’ product called ‘Jesus Soap’ that is said to wash your sins of the day away right after you've bathed with it. Amazing, isn’t it?!

A soap that washes away your sins just like that? Sins of what??? This is just unbelievable!!!

I was even more intrigued to find out that this ‘Jesus Soap’ is one of the hottest selling products on Ebay.com (a popular marketing website/platform) with the price tag: US $9.48 --- and it has even run out of stock already!

Well, the item/product's description according to its manufacturer, Fizz Creations --- based in the United Kingdom --- on Ebay.com says:

“Feeling a need for confession to get the burden of your sins off your chest? The ultimate solution is here: Jesus soap is a quick fix for your lost soul. Wash away the sins of the day with this 200g bar of soap. Measures approximately 11 cm x 7 cm x 2.8 cm.”

For the doubting Thomase out there, just see the image below for proof or check this link for it: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Jesus-Soap-New-/351412449137

Jesus Soap 2

We hear this ‘Jesus Soap’ product is selling like hot cake in Nigeria and of course, we know it shall soon be on its way to Ghana and the other West African countries. Or has it already???

Okay guys, let’s be serious here: so you go out there, rob and kill people or fornicate like hell or have sex with some under-age girls and then you come back and wash your private parts with this ‘Jesus Soap’ and then what? All your sins are washed away instantly?! Wooow!

By the way, how would you know your sins have been washed away??? (((Confused?!))) Kikikikikiki!

I am placing an order right away for some ‘bad’ friends of mine before it runs out of stock again! Loooolx

Photo Credit: Ebay.com

SOURCE: Bigtimerz.com