Stop sleeping in that bad position now!...


The first positive thing is that it prevents neck and back pain by maintaining a neutral position for your head, neck and spine. It also reduces acid reflux by keeping your head elevated above your stomach. The third good thing is that it minimizes wrinkles.

That is so because nothing pushes against your face. The only negative thing for sleeping on your back is snoring. If you have problems with snoring, find your perfect pillow. It should be a puffy one, so that it will keep your head and neck supported without propping your head up too much.


This sleeping position is bad for your face and breasts. What you get is constant mushing of your face from one side, and prominent sagging of your breasts. If you sleep in this position you will definitely need to find a perfect pillow for yourself. It should be a thick one so that it can fill the space above your shoulder (so your head and neck are supported in a natural position).

This posture is good in a way that it reduces snoring by elongating your spine. It also reduces acid reflux by keeping your head elevated above your stomach. It is also very useful during pregnancy, especially sleeping on the left side. It is ideal for blood flow. If you cannot help sleeping on the side, do not sleep on the right side by any means.


When sleeping in fetal position TRY NOT TO CURVE YOUR BACK TOO MUCH! Anyways, this position is not good for you. It increases arthritic pain because knees are bent for a long time during night and it also makes you keep your neck and spine non-natural way. It also restricts diaphragmatic breathing, and it results in premature facial wrinkles since it gives too much stress on the face and breasts. However, it is also useful during pregnancy.


The first reason is because it is difficult to maintain a neutral spine position. It also puts pressure on joints and muscles which can irritate nerves and lead to pain, numbness and tingling. Also the constant incorrect head position may lead to headaches.

Nevertheless, keeping to face down keeps your upper airways more open. So if you are sure you are not suffering from neck or back pain, its fine to try sleeping on your belly. But if you do, you will have to find a good pillow. It would be either a thin one or none at all.

SOURCE: livehealthywithus