In China, it is mandatory for every student to go through military training | The stubborn youth of Africa need this (Photos)...

In today’s Africa, the youth have become so, so stubborn they don’t even respect the elderly anymore. And quite unfortunately, too, there can’t seem to be any antidote in sight for this “sickness”.

China on the other is so serious it doesn't joke with its human resources at all!

This is exactly what you go through when you’re a young student in China: one is made to go through some form of military training that will make him/her to be more disciplined, respectful and battle-ready to take up leadership roles when the need arises. (See the photos below)

And of course, it is mandatory, too!!!

No wonder the Chinese everywhere are very workaholic and disciplined.

Discover China puts it more appropriately:

"Military training is compulsory for freshmen in China and generally takes place at the beginning of college. Even though the soldier-like lifestyle often provides these young people with lemons, they usually go on to successfully make lemonade. Well done!"

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