Back to school combo...

It is a brand new year and every New Year comes with loads of styles and trends.

Last year, we took you through the journey of colours, their exciting names, symbolism and appropriate colours to wear to formal and informal events.

With your knowledge on colours a bit deeper now, we will be taking you through some stylist combinations for church, office, conference, school, parties, beach, camping, gymnasium among others.

To kick start, we bring you the back to school collections.

Students in the first cycle to the tertiary level are all going back to school this January and for those in the universities and other professional institutions, fashion is key.

In fact, there are students who ensure that apart from their books, their suitcases are packed with the latest tops, jeans, blazers, hats, shirts, shorts, backpacks, trainers, shoes, bags and many more.

It doesn't matter if you are not privileged to travel abroad to shop during the Christmas break.

Right here in Ghana, various shops are well stocked with all the clothes and accessories that will make you look trendy.

Watch out for other cute back to school collections next week.