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- Super User
- Category: Entertainment
- Thursday, 26 March 2015 04:04
Kim Kardashian gives shocking revelations about her famous Instagram photos...
The great Instagram spam account purge of 2014 made Kim Kardashian the most followed person on the social network, and she hasn't looked back since.
She's still 100,000 followers ahead of Beyoncé and 4.4 million ahead of Justin Bieber.
And as long as she keeps posting adorable photos and videos of North West, we don't expect that to change.
Seriously, just look at the video of North West gliding through the airport to cement her spot as the most boss ass baby alive.
Graciously, Kim has shared some of her infinite Instagram wisdom with us via THR. She gave five steps to flourishing on the social media network:
1. Don't be too calculated
2. Master your own domain (No Seinfeld)
3. Keep in touch with your family
4. Post pictures, not quotes
5. Promote yourself, not products
But following those tips alone isn't going to take you all the way to the top. Clearly Kim is withholding some of the keys to her Instagram success.
If we study her account thoroughly we can pick up some of the steps she's kept to herself, such as:
Cleavage (worth 939,000 likes)
Get Kanye West to smile (worth 1.1 million likes)
Create the most boss ass baby alive (worth 1.1 million likes and further emphasis)
Make cooler friends (worth 853,000 likes)
Celebrate your success with more skin (worth 923,000 likes)
Are you Instagram famous yet?
(All photos credit: Instagram)
SOURCE: Complex.com