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- Super User
- Category: Entertainment
- Sunday, 29 December 2013 10:00
Ghanaians have lost their culture - Akua Blakofe bemoans...
The former hostess of Amazing Ghana, Gold Blast (now Music Music) and MNet Studio 53, Akua Blakofe, who has been missing in action for quite a long time on the entertainment scene in Ghana, had these strong words to share on her facebook's timeline.
She talked about the current state of our culture; our women; the youth of today; presenters slanging so bad; and a new beauty pageant she hopes to start as an alternative to the ones she claims have been 'destroying' our culture and we at bigtimerz.com deem it fit to republish her words here:
"We've lost our rich culture here in Ghana and it breaks my heart. Our women have become 'Brazilians' with Brazilian hairs.
"Our weddings are considered mere engagements. We insult our elders anyhow. We think fried rice is our national meal. Our youth sag their trousers (pants) and want us all to see their underwear.
"Our presenters slang so awfully I can't bear to listen or watch them anymore!
"As for our women and their flicking of those fake Brazilian wigs, ummmm... I could go on and on. Indeed, this is saddening. Where are the true Ghanaians?
"Please stand up and let's reclaim our identity and culture."
And here are some of the few comments she followed up with on her timeline when some of her facebook friends thought otherwise of her post:
"In the past, 'ashawos' (prostitutes) were the ones who wore wigs to disguise themselves from being noticed by friends and families.
"They wore short clothes for 'easy access' to their 'Kingdoms'. But today, those looks of Ashawos have become the looks of the GH woman.
"And you think this is moving forward? I beg to differ! The money spent on fake things, foreign foods, etc., can go into making Ghana a better place to live.
"If all Ghanaian women donated the money spent on wigs, fake nails, eye-lashes, etc., to a charity or a community fund, it would benefit Ghana big time. So what is this thing about we are moving forward?
"The brains of our women have been fried with chemicals and nonsense on television and you say we are moving forward? Again, moving forward to where???! Is it to a land like America where the youth kill each other over the type of shoes they wear?"
"You think young boys going out with their underwear and our women wearing Taiwanese nails, Chinese lashes, and Brazilian hair is a sign of moving forward? As I said, it's good to eat all sorts of foods but that's no reason to demonize what is ours. In the past, when children came home from school, they curtseyed and said 'good afternoon or good evening'. Now it's 'woz op?'!!! So is this is what we call moving forward? Forward to where?"
"For once, let's leave government out of this. It's up to us as individuals to love ourselves. Do I have to wait for my government to tell me plantain and 'kontomire' is one good and healthy food? I agree about the useless television shows, telenovelas and what have you. It's so sad the rubbish being fed to the viewing public. Right now, characters being played by Ghanaian actresses in our movies are called Chelsea, Beyounce, Tameka and the likes!"
"I'm trying to bring out 'Miss Proudly Natural' as an alternative to Miss Ghana; Ghana's most beautiful, etc. A pageant that celebrates real hair: the contestants will not wear Brazilian hair, fake nails and fake eye-lashes. Indeed I have got my work cut out. And with God in control, somebody will take it up. No shaky"
SOURCE: Bigtimerz.com