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- Super User
- Category: Entertainment
- Monday, 06 July 2015 13:26
Delete yourself or get blocked – Gifty Osei...
[By: George Awiadem Maclean EMAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]
Ghanaian gospel artiste, Giffty Osei, has instructed all her fans on social media (both facebook and Insatgram) who hate her to either delete themselves from her friends’ list or get blocked.
Her reason? After she accepts new friend requests from her numerous fans on social media, the same ‘new’ friends would usually turn around to chastise and insult her for posting pictures of herself they deem not fit for her personality.
Typically, for any Gospel artiste in any Ghanaian setting, he/she is seen or regarded as a role model and very much expected to be practising what he/she preaches about.
And the moment the opposite happens, you can always expect an avalanche of insults being hurled at you.
According to some of her fans, the self styled queen of gospel and hitmaker of “Fefeefe” and “Jesus be too much” has consistently been dressing indecently in public and this, they say, doesn't speak well of her as a gospel artiste.
But in a quick rebuttal, she wrote:
"Don’t you know I’m human and I also have blood running through my veins?
"So you send me a friend request and after accepting you as a friend and you saying thank you for the gesture, then in the next minute you turn around to insult me because I post my pictures on my page?
“I have a life to live, dear. I do things that please me because I’m just being me.
"If you think you don’t like anything I do on my page, please delete yourself or else, I will block you myself.
“This is becoming too much. Why all these in the name of showbiz?”
SOURCE: Bigtimerz.com