Castro's wife, Dorothy, is coming to Ghana...

The disappearance of Theophilus Tagoe aka Castro and Janet Bandu has surprisingly ventured into another week without possible answers to the circumstances surrounding their loss and solutions to either finding them alive or dead.

Castro's tragedy is trending as the most shocking story making the headlines with all forms of conspiracy theories coming to play and with 'mallams' and 'Maame Water' agents all coming to the fore with outrageous suggestions and opinions.

READ ALSO: Castro is dead and gone for good???

In all these, one very important person who has not featured prominently in discussions over the week is the wife of Castro, who has remained uncharacteristically quiet in such moments.

When news made rounds that Castro might have drowned with his alleged girlfriend, many people raised questions about the artiste's fidelity, others were not aware of his marital status, and some have even asserted that, Castro and the wife are divorced.

Razz newspaper has news that the wife of Castro, Mrs Dorothy Tagoe will be in Ghana before the close of the week from her base in Canada.

According to findings of the paper, Mrs Tagoe is jetting down to Ghana for several reasons: to squash trending rumours about the status of their marriage; to show solidarity to the families and to look for her husband.

READ ALSO: My biggest birthday gift will be when God brings back Castro to me - Sarkodie

After the incident and the aftermath, many media firms have tried to reach Mrs Tagoe to ascertain whether she is/was legally married to the multiple award-winning artiste before his disappearance and also to find out how she is feeling in the midst of all the stories emerging concerning her husband.

When one Maa Afia, the said sister to Mrs Dorothy Tagoe was contacted, she declined to issue any comment on Castro's vanishing and his marriage saying that the family has given strict orders that nobody from the family should grant interviews. She however intimated that, her sister and Castro's wife, Dorothy, will be in Ghana to address any nagging issues.

READ ALSO: Castro must be pronounced dead - Hammer of the Last Two

Maafia also confirmed that Theophilus Tagoe and Dorothy Tagoe are legally married and have never divorced.

SOURCE: Razz Newspaper