Buzzing Moments

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- Category: Buzzing Moments
- Tuesday, 07 July 2015 11:02
Woman chooses to stay on phone instead of getting help (Watch video)...
Hahaha! We won’t say that this woman looks ridiculous, but that’s probably what you’re thinking.
Apparently, the Chicago woman’s car started to hydroplane and she fell into the water.
As a passing motorist tried to help the woman get out of the water, she refused to get off of her cellphone while sitting on the top of the car, and then screamed in terror as she had to walk through what appears to be about five feet of water.
Watch the short video below:
RESCUED: A woman was carried to safety from her flooded car after she hydroplaned off I-80 near Marseilles: the stories you care about - "Like" ABC 7 Chicago!
Posted by ABC 7 Chicago on Saturday, June 13, 2015